Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Nolan went through a phase where he would talk and act like a robot.  He would even go as far as to sit at the dinner table and say every sentence a robot of course.  


I realize it doesn't come across quite as nice in blog writing, but hopefully you get the point.  Anyway, ever since that little phase I've had a little place in my heart for all things robot.  I stumbled upon a puzzle around Christmas time that I got for Bennett because it's a little too simple for Big Boy Nolan at this point.  But the other day I walked in the living room to find the two of them "playing puzzle" together.  My love for robots continues (coincidence that Bennett is wearing robots on his jammies? I couldn't stage this stuff if I tried!).  

It's fun to see them start to play together.  Bennett would watch Nolan all day everyday if I let him.  And if I'm being quite honest, Nolan might be the best big brother ever.  I know I'm bias but he is amazing with him.  Always comforting him, bringing him his toys (mainly because he doesn't want him to have his toys, I know), constantly talking to him and showering him with hugs and kisses.  

Lucky boys to have eachother…lucky mom to have the both of them.

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