Saturday, February 25, 2012


Bennett has been a little, how do I say this nicely….challenging lately?  He just doesn't seem all that chipper all of the time.  We know he is fighting a little bit of a cold so that probably has a lot to do with it, but I also think he is teething on top of it.  Double Whammy!  Now when I say I think he's teething I'll be the first to admit I've been using that excuse for him for QUITE SOME TIME NOW, so a little white thing better be poking out of his gums pretty darn quick or we might have a bigger problem to solve!

So I am trying to sooth the teething issue and thought I would give a little plug for this gadget.  I like a good gadget (I totally get it from my Dad who's favorite store just might be the "As Seen on TV" store), a good gadget to me is something that helps with my everyday life.  This thing does just that, it keeps me sane.  It is pretty much a lifesaver for anyone with a teething baby.  You stick an ice cube in it and WAH-LAH, approximately 20 minutes of silence.  Some moms get really crazy and put like frozen fruit in them but that just sounds like a mess that I don't want to deal with…water dries clear, water is good for Bennett.  Check out the bottom picture when I took it away from him, looks like a grumpy old man!  Also check out his shirt, now imagine that with blueberry juice or something instead of water…NO THANK YOU!

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