Monday, February 6, 2012

It Happened

It really happened.  Nolan brought home his first pet.  I wasn't ready for a new pet, we deprive the pet we already have.  I told Nolan that this new pet would be his responsibility.  He seemed to think that would be okay, though he seemed confused by the word responsibility (we'll have to work on that).  His pet's name is George, a name Nolan is giving everything these days.  

Meet George….

Yes, George is a Pet Rock.  A pet rock that Nolan painted with love and care.  I am very confident in Nolan's ability to care for this new addition to the family.  Don't fret that I have already had to rescue him from the bottom of the toy box.  Surely Nolan just thought he wanted to hang out with Buzz and Woody and get acquainted with the rest of the gang.  

And in case there was any doubt…yes he belongs to Nolan (it even says it on his belly).


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