Thursday, May 28, 2020

Santa Visit 2019

When you have a little one the question always becomes...will they or won't they...cry.  We had talked up Santa a LOT in our house.  We were pros at "ho ho ho", and had practiced what we wanted to ask for and everything. paid off!  Little Miss marched right up there and quickly told him "I want a house".  She meant kitchen :), but I think he understood!  She told him her wishes, sat on his lap for .2 seconds and then decided that was quite enough.  She didn't give a big smile, but she didn't get sad/mad either.  So we will call this one a win.  The big brothers of course are pros at this point.  They won't be sitting on anyone's lap, but they at least throw their Mom a bone and go up for a picture.  Not sure how long I'll be able to talk them into that but for now Mom is winning.  The boys wishes seem to be getting bigger and more expensive over the years, so let's hope they have been good enough!  Bennett asked for a Nintendo Switch and a bike (as well as a million other things) and Nolan asked for a 22.  Fingers crossed Santa provides!

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