Monday, May 4, 2020

Apple Picking

Apple of my favorites! This year I knew a whole family excursion wouldn't happen, our weekends are just too busy. But I wasn't going to let it pass and the littlest not get to experience it. So we picked a Friday and invited our favorite playmates...Grandma and Grandpa to join us in the fields. We went to a different (read: closer and smaller) place this time. I have to say Eckert's is still my favorite, but the convenience of this little Ma and Pop shop is oh so tempting so it won me over!  Everly loved picking apples and riding on the wagon.  She even found a little friend on the playground to chase around for a while.  Maybe next year we will get those crazy boys to join us again, but if not we will be sure to make them something fancy with our delicious apples (maybe).

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