Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pumpkin Patch

Every year I'm nervous we won't make it to the Pumpkin Patch, but this year I was more anxious than normal. You see we had two vacations planned for October on top of all of our regular busy Fall activities. But you'll be happy to know...we made it!!!  Phew.  We had a great little excursion.  The boys got to play in the Nerf Zone, which was super fun but would be even more fun with some of their buddies (noted for next year) and Little Miss got to ride on the train with Daddy AND she got to go on her first horsey ride!  She thought she was HOT STUFF and Mom was sad she looked so big.  We of course spent some time in the corn boxes, I mean what kind of Pumpkin Patch adventure would this be if we weren't picking corn kernels out of our ears for days?

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