Sunday, February 8, 2015

Christmas Miracle Year 2

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a LITTLE crazy about pictures. This bugs my husband (and kids) just a LITTLE.  But it seems every once in a while both my husband and my kids will throw me a bone and participate in pictures as long as the event takes approximately 2 minutes or less.  Lucky for me for the past two years some random person has decorated a lonely tree in a field right down the street from our house.  This year they did not decorate said tree until like a day or two before Christmas, I was getting worried I might need to be the "random" person that decorated it this year!  And don't think for a second I won't do it myself if next year it is not decorated.  Anyway, the tree was decorated and I "warned" Chad as we were leaving on Christmas day for dinner that we were going to stop at the tree and get a picture.  No protesting allowed, it was happening.  And it did.  And the boys cooperated for my 2 minutes of glory.  And I love the result.  Christmas miracles do happen.

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