Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Magic House

So this year I decided it was a good idea to become a member of the Magic House.  And now it seems my sole purpose in life is to make sure said membership was worth the money.  I'm happy to report that as of this blogpost, we have gotten our money's worth!  I'll spare you a blogpost every time we go, but on this particular day I did bring my camera so you get to see some magic in action.  The Magic House is starting to be a little more challenging these days.  Nolan is past some of the areas that are focused on littler kids so we have to do some splitting up at points in order to make both kids happy.  Bennett loves it all, but likes to keep moving.  Nolan tends to be more of a lingerer trying to figure every last detail out.  I send Chad with Nolan most of the time, he's kind of a lingerer and I'm kind of a lets keep it moving kind of girl.  For now, everyone is happy.  I mean who wouldn't be in a place like this...


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