Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Christmas in KC

The weekend after Christmas we packed it up and headed to Kansas City to celebrate Christmas with my parents and my brother and his family.  I know it breaks my Mom's heart a little that we all aren't together on actual Christmas day but personally I like this situation a little better because we get to enjoy 3 days together instead of just a couple of hours while we try to split our time equally between families.  Sorry Mom but it's true.  Anyway, splitting up the holiday also gave me time to realize that my "first" Christmas looks like I wasn't there at all.  Not one picture with me in it.  SOOO, you can imagine what I made everyone do while in KC right?  You betcha, I made them go outside in the freezing cold and take a few pictures.  One day (a long time from now) when the boys are flipping through pictures I'm sure they will be happy to see that I was actually at our Christmas celebrations.  Not a bunch of pictures to see here, but a few I will treasure for years to come.


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