Thursday, November 20, 2014

Big Boy Bennett

We put this day off for a LONG LONG LONG time.  More out of convenience and peace of mind for ourselves but sometimes disguising it as a comfort thing for Bennett.  But about a month ago we pulled the trigger and got Bennett a big boy bed.  Stop judging me for keeping him in his crib so long, you would too if you were dealing with this child.  The crib was the one place that he always seemed to like and was calm and well...he slept...a lot.  Why disrupt something like that?  Why?  The guilt finally took over though (that and a sale on the beds I had been eyeing up) so it was go time.  We moved him over to a big boy bed and haven't looked back.  Much to my surprise he has done really well.  He doesn't get out of bed by himself (unless he falls out...true story) and he calls for us when he wakes up.  I know these days are limited and before long he will be galloping down the stairs at 6am demanding cartoons but for now we celebrate.  As did he when he took his first nap...

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