Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Christmas Miracle

I can't conclude my Christmas posts without mentioning the fact that on Christmas Day we got an extra special present this year…a new niece!  Yes of course, only Favorite Perfect Can Do No Wrong Uncle Eric would have a child that shares a birthday with Jesus Christ.  UN-FREAKING BELIEVABLE!  I mean not to mention she is the first girl grandchild in the family in 12 years (following 5 boys in a row).  This girl really knows how to solidfy her first place grandchild status.  Eric and Kelly also asked Chad to be Aubrey's Godfather (another plus on Aubrey's scorecard for those keeping score at home).  Chad was very honored, and I'm pumped because that means I get to buy girl stuff!  So Aubrey gets a "decent role model" and an excellent personal shopper (if I do say so myself).  Well played Eric and Kelly…well played.

We took a trip up to the hospital the day after Christmas to meet this precious little girl and she was just that…precious.  She is as sweet as they come and we are so excited to watch her grow and teach her all sorts of bad things awesome tricks!  Congratulations Eric and Kelly…you done good.

1 comment:

  1. Legit blog post. 2 Thumbs Up. You did forget to mention who provided the FIRST baby girl grandchild.


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