Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas Morning

Finally it was Christmas Morning, the kids and I have been excited about this day for months.  When Nolan came downstairs he went into the hearth room and then came running into our room to announce "Santa ate ALL the cookies".  Not…Santa brought a ton of presents! or I got new hockey sticks! Just "Santa ate ALL the cookies".  It's the little things that amuse sweet Nolan like the fact that Santa could eat three whole cookies!  Anyway, we went upstairs to get Mr. B and then headed down to see what magic had transpired while we slept.

Santa was good to the boys this year, they must have been extra good!  Nolan's big present was an arcade style Basketball Game and Bennett's big present was a train table.  Both were crowd pleasers, that Santa really does know his audience!

When Bennett walked down he went straight to the train table and said "Ahhhhh, Thomas".  To be honest the presents could have stopped there because he was not interested in opening anything after seeing this...

I again attempted a picture of the boys together in their jammies.  All I can say is they are both in fact in the picture, that's about as successful as I was going to be on this particular morning.  Too many toys to play with to mess with silly pictures!

Remember when I said Bennett didn't want to open any more of his presents after he got the trains?  That was no lie.  After we ate breakfast Nolan went over and helped him finish opening all of his presents that lay neglected under the tree.  If only Santa could give him a train table every year!

Then it was time to play, play play…

Bennett finally took some time to sit down and read a book instead of playing trains.  The item on his head is the inside of a hard hat that Chad gave the boys to play with.  Bennett likes to sport just the inside sometimes, personally I think he looks like Hannibal Lecter when he wears it which makes it especially creepy but adorable nonetheless.  

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