Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Year of the "W"

Although I couldn't get the boys to be something "together" for Halloween, I did manage to get them in the same family(ish)…and with costumes that started with the same letter?  I had "Wolverine" and a "Wolf"…a little bit of a stretch eh?    I tried.  This year I SWORE I was going to keep my cool when attempting to get a picture of them on Halloween night as I kind of lost my shiznit last year while trying to capture these beautiful family moments.  I'm happy to report I succeeded.  I mean I didn't get an award winning picture, but I also did not yell at the boys (or their Dad), soooooooo we all won this year.  Happy Halloween!

It was a fairly simple evening.  We did a little trick-or-treating and then headed home to costume watch and hand out candy. If you take out the part where I called the cops on some creepy old guy wearing a Darth Maul costume and saying inappropriate things, oh and also the part where Nolan woke up in the middle of the night puking then it was a perfect night!  Oh the memories!

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