Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Kilcullin Family

Taking pictures sometimes gives me the opportunity to catch up with people that otherwise I might not be able to.  This is the Kilcullin Family, Lesley is Chad's second cousin or cousin once removed or something…bottom line they are related.  I mean lets be honest Chad is related to a lot of people around these parts, so I'm sure you're not surprised.  We met up yesterday on a FREEZING day, I know I've said that before but I'm talking when I stepped out of my car it said 20 degrees.  That is cold people.  I tell you what though these kids were AMAZING.  I happen to know they were being bribed with Hot Chocolate, they must REALLY REALLY like hot chocolate or they were REALLY REALLY cold!  Either way they rocked it and here is their sneak peak…


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