Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day Three

We made it to Day Three, hooray for us!  On this day we headed out to find "Castello di Amorosa".  Sounds fancy right?  Well…it is.  Probably too fancy for us quite honestly.  This was one of the "big" wineries, which we wanted to experience at least one of.  And yes it really is a castle.  Here was our adventure…

A meeting of the minds…scary yes?

This looks like one intense wine tasting if you ask me.  Kim and I even got crazy and ordered chocolates to enhance our red wine experience.  Turns out…I still don't like red wines.  Even with chocolate!  I think it's a lost cause at this point.

I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but Steve and Julia were standing off to the side a little bit at one point during this tasting and someone asked if they were on their honeymoon.  I guess they were looking all lovey dovey and all age 25ish. Barf.  Julia thought this was an amazing compliment, until we beat her down from the cloud she was standing on.

Our next stop was at a winery called "Armida".  If you are ever in Napa…DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.  Horrible horrible place, and horrible horrible wine.  Chad asked one of the girls a question about the wine and she was like "ummm, you can read the label if you want".  We are probably about the most low maintenance crew in Napa, but even we have to have standards at some point!  

They are all smiling in these pictures because they are nice.  I think they even poured their wines out…and let me tell you we do NOT do that!  Their special wine is called "Poizon"…and I think I know why now.  We stayed for all of 15 minutes and were on our way.  TOTAL BUST.

We were feeling a little low from our last stop so we decided to try one more.  Holy Moly did we hit the jackpot!  This was Steve's Mecca!  Napa tends to be rather subdued, but this place was like Vegas!  There was a swimming pool, places to sit around and drink, a bar, a restaurant…hell they even had the car from the Godfather!  It was like a resort really.  It is the "Francis Ford Coppola" winery and this would make it to the highly recommend list in my book.  We sat out on the patio for hours, scaring off all sorts of people along the way but we were having a dandy of a good time.  

Here was our damage…where was George when we needed him?

From here we went home…and went to bed.  Shocker.

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