Wednesday, December 5, 2012


That's right, we are on a first name basis around these parts with a big country star.  A couple of weeks ago we had a Girl's Night that landed us at the Carrie Underwood concert.  I love her.  I don't just like her, I like want to be her…bad.  Or at least make her my friend, is that so much to ask?  Most of you may not know that she was also a Tri-Sigma sooooo technically we are "sisters."  Top that, nope I bet you can't.  God I'm awesome.

Here's the crew before we left…

And here comes Carrie…(insert screams)

Here we have Kim and I enjoying our adult beverages simply because we're the only ones that can at this point AND it's fun to rub it in a little.

At one point Carrie was on a floating stage which was pretty cool, and she was ALMOST close to us.  One thing I did notice that I thought was a little weird was her tendency to do a lot of waving to the crowd.  And people (uh hum…Rachael) actually wave back like Carrie was waving JUST to them.  Silly people.  Silly Rachael.

And the BIG finale.  "Blown Away" of course, and it kind of looks like she is actually being blown away here.  Just like we were with your performance Carrie :)


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