Thursday, July 19, 2012


It never fails, every time I have a session that involves a young child there is always a bribe involved.  If you stand here we can get a hot wheel, if you smile now we can watch a movie when we get home, if you stand on your head and act like you like it you can have a friend spend the night.  It's always something.  Well for this little fellow it was the promise of a delicious slushie on a VERY VERY VERY hot evening.  And you know what?  This kid earned like 1 million slushies in my book.  Evan has more personality in his little finger then most grownups have in their entire bodies.  As we were wrapping up the session this was our conversation:

Evan:  How old are your boys?
Me:  3 and 10 months
Evan: And what are their names?
Me:  Nolan and Bennett
Evan:  Well, when you get home you tell them that you met Evan.  Oh, and when it's my birthday you should come to my party.

Mr. Evan let me just tell you I will be anxiously awaiting your invitation!

Meet the Hall Family….I went to High School with Barbie but haven't seen her in years.  Unfortunately she's one of "those" people that hasn't changed a bit.  ARGH.  Her family is just as sweet as they are cute, you will want to jump through the computer screen and pinch Whitney's little cheeks she's so stinkin' cute!  Enjoy!

 Those are all fine and dandy but I'm fairly certain this is the picture that Barbie will be hanging over the fireplace…yes?

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