Monday, July 2, 2012

I was early...he was hungry

This morning I had to take the boys to their respective locations for the day, a job that is usually in Chad's hands.  I'm not used to this adventure so when I do have to take them I never time it that great.  I'm either running around screaming at Nolan because we are running late, or I'm up screwing around on Facebook because I'm too early.  Well this morning I was WAY too early so I decided to take full advantage and have a date with my favorite 3 year old.  We dropped B of at the sitter and headed on over to Bread Company (conveniently located just across the street from the sitter) for a little breakfast feast.  I don't get to spend much one on one time with Nolan anymore, and I really miss it so this morning I got a small dose to hold me over for a little bit.  We had a very intellectual conversation about whether of not cows and pigs have teeth, which led into cows jumping over the moon, which led into a conversation about astronauts and aliens on other planets, which led into how he wanted to be an astronaut when he grows up, which led into deciding that no he wanted to be a firefighter instead and so on and so on.  I swear his mind never stops.  The whole conversation evolved from a picture on a milk carton...

Yes this was only about a 20 minute excursion, but I guarantee it's the best 20 minutes of my week.

ps...No, I don't take my camera everywhere for those of you that are wondering about my sanity right about now.  These actually came from my phone, kind of impressive right?  Starting to rethink that huge camera I continue to lug around. 

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