Friday, July 6, 2012

How Could I resist?

Oh Nolan, you have outsmarted me with your cuteness yet again!  Here's how it went down…

Me:  Nolan we are going to run to Target REALLY quick, I just need a few things.
Nolan:  Can we look at the boy toys?
Me:  Sure
Nolan:  Can I get a toy?
Me: You need to be really good and listen to Mom and then we'll see.
Nolan:  Okay I'll be good, I won't say…"Can I have two toys?"

I mean it would be totally RIDICULOUS to get two toys, one toy is absolutely appropriate though right?

At one point he did in fact ask for that second toy and I said "Nolan, I thought you weren't going to ask for a second toy?".  His response "Oh yea yea, I meant I want that one for my birthday."  This dude has it all figured out!

I can't lie, it was a very pleasant Target trip and he MIGHT have gone home with some new Legos.  You don't have to tell me, I know I'm a sucker.

He was so excited he also decided he did not need a nap today, he was "too excited to sleep"…you would think we were going to Disney Land or something.

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