Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Violet 11 Weeks

Well for those of you that know Violet you know that she is well over 11 weeks now, apparently I am super duper behind on posting pictures these days.  I hate to blame this beautiful baby boy that is sitting right next to me, but I'm going to go ahead and do it.  Yep, I'm playing the "busy mom" card.  Anyway, just wanted to share a few pictures of Violet that I took a while back.  I won't lie, she was not in the mood for picture taking on this fine day.  But I'm used to that, I've been dealing with Nolan for 3 years now and I think in 3 years he has enjoyed getting his picture taken once.  I've already contacted Violet's agent and we are going to have a re-do very shortly, so be looking for those pictures coming soon.

Even when she doesn't want a camera in her face she's still precious….

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