Saturday, October 15, 2011

Goats, Giggles and Ulysses S Grant

That's right folks our latest adventure landed us at none other than Grant's Farm.  I'm not sure the boys appreciate the history behind this fine establishment (honestly I'm not sure I do either) but they sure thought the goats and snow cones were pretty cool.  Not only did we feed the goats, talk to a camel, eat a snow cone and ride a carousel we also drum roll please…….watched the animal encounter show! WOW.  The animal encounter show might be the same show they did when I was a kid and to be honest it left a little bit to be desired.  However, Nolan thought the owl flying right above our heads was pretty cool so all was good with the world.  You'll see that Bennett actually got out of the stroller for a bit this time and embraced the camera with his Mommy...and then he went back to sleep.  He apparently was not so impressed by the owl soaring above his head.

Who knew feeding goats could be so fun?  

The boys were really enjoying their snow cones on this beautiful fall day.  Bennett, poor Bennett, was just dreaming about the day he will get his hands on that sugary goodness.

I'm not exactly sure what the boys were looking at here, but I'm thinking it was an awesome mini horse.  And really what's cooler than a mini horse?

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