Monday, October 31, 2011

Taking Requests

A while back a loyal reader sent me a request to please put Baby Bennett in a pumpkin for Halloween.  I know it's a rather random request, but hey I'm always up for a challenge.  So here he is Mr. Bennett rocking out a pumpkin.  His Dad was not a fan of this photo opportunity but he was the one to carve the pumpkin???? So maybe deep down he really is a fan.  He would probably be even less of a fan if he knew how difficult it was to get Bennett out of this pumpkin!  

Dear Jill,

Today my Mom put me in a pumpkin.  She swears it wasn't her idea, and is blaming you for this humiliating photo.  All I have to say is this better secure me at least Ring Bearer status when the time comes.  If you think I look good in a pumpkin I'll really look good in a tux.  Next time you have a "great idea" why don't you share the wealth with my big brother or even better one of my many cousins.

Happy Halloween!


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