Monday, September 5, 2011

What does Nolan think?

At the top of the frequently asked questions list since Baby Bennett joined our family is the ever so popular "What does Nolan think about the new baby?" question.  I really have no idea how to answer this to be completely honest.  Nothing ever seems to bother or phase Nolan, and this little life altering addition is no different.  I will say it took Nolan a good week to really warm up to Bennett, but now he seems to be a big fan.  He likes to show him his toys, read him books and LOVES to give him kisses.  I think mainly he likes to give him kisses because it generally serves as a stalling technique around nap time, or bed time, or any other time when we are trying to get him to do something else…but it warms my heart every time so all I can say is Well Played Nolan, Well Played.

Here are a couple pics of the lads together.  The first one I would LOVE to know what is going through Nolan's head, but it surely has to be something along the lines of "why is he making that noise and when will it stop".  

Here are my two sweet boys and a little example of Nolan's stall tactic at work.  Tell me you wouldn't let him stay up five more minutes for that?

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