Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We Escaped!

That's right folks the Struckmann Clan was on the loose Labor Day weekend.  Chad was in California for a Wedding (yes rough life for Chad I know spending the days at the winery and nights at the bar/reception, don't worry I remind him constantly how lucky he is) but that didn't slow us down!  My Grandma is in town from Colorado for a  few weeks so my parents were looking to do something slightly "touristy" and I was quick to get myself and the two boys invited.  I'm not much of a stay at home and do nothing type of chick, so I leap at the chance of doing anything outside of the homestead.  And lets face it bringing along extra helping hands is ALWAYS appealing.  Am I right?  

We decided to head out to Eckerts and check out what they had to offer.  We were not disappointed.  They had rides, a petting zoo, a nice little restaurant and you could pick your own apples.  It was still rather HOT outside on this particular day so we basically had the place to ourselves, besides a sprinkling of a few other kids that apparently needed to get out of their houses as well.  Nolan was quick to make friends with one of the little boys, he has a tendency to make friends wherever he goes.  I'm thinking he gets that from my Dad who would talk to a brick wall if it talked back (okay, he'd probably talk to it no matter what lets be real here).  So Nolan found a buddy to ride on the rides with until Bennett gets old enough to join.  Speaking of Bennett, you will see I did at least take a picture of the poor little guy just to prove he wasn't deprived and did in fact get to come with us on this little adventure.  I'm sorry to report Bennett…you slept through the whole thing.  Shocker.  We'll get em next time champ.

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