Friday, September 30, 2011

Bennett Meets Mr. Bear

When Nolan was born my friend Julia made him an incredible present, one I hope he will treasure forever. She made him a bear, thats right I said made not bought. The nose and paws of this bear are made out of a dress of mine from when I was little. I know, adorable. Well when Bennett was born Julia made him a special bear as well. This bears paws are made out of Nolan's "back-up" blankie. What's a back-up blankie you ask? It's the blanket we use when Nolan's treasured blanket is either missing or disgusting!  Julia snipped a little off the blankie and then put it all back together…Nolan will never even notice.  That is until he's old enough to read this post!  So here are some pictures of Bennett meeting Mr. Bear for the first time.  (Mr. Bear is the oh so creative name Nolan gave to the bear….strikingly similar to the name he gave his own bear.)

And here is another comparison picture, I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of these. On the left is Nolan meeting his "Mr. Bear".

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