Monday, September 19, 2011

Imagination and Sleeping Babies

Today as I sit in a chair trying to recoup from a busy weekend I am thankful for Nolan's very abundant imagination and his ability to make a simple ladder and 4 small superhero guys his entertainment for hours on end.  Up and down and up and down he has gone I can't tell you how many times.  The superheroes have gone to the store, taken naps, fixed my ladder…everything EXCEPT save the city from the evil villains.  Not sure Nolan quite grasps the true powers of superheroes just yet!

I am also thankful for a sleeping baby.  Bennett decided to nap at the same time and is dreaming away undisturbed by the superhero madness going on around him.

Yes folks I am lazy today.  It turns out that drinking after you have been pregnant for 9 months is not exactly like riding a bike, I think I need the training wheels back on!  Nolan always says "you just need to keep practicing", surely that applies to this situation as well!

Here are my boys on our lazy day.  Don't judge me.  Yes it is mid-afternoon and Nolan is still in his PJs and Yes Bennett is sleeping on his changing table (don't worry Grandmas he doesn't move yet).  They are both happy (at the current time) and thriving so just let us be.  I fed them both reasonably nutritious meals, we read 1 million books, and they are now sound asleep in their respective beds so I can do important things like Blog.  I included the last picture of Bennett because I feel like the poor guy is getting the shaft on this blog.  Every time we have an adventure of sorts he's stuck in his stroller and gets no good love from the camera.  So I thought I would let you all see his cute little face on this oh so special day!

Dear Chad,

Surely tomorrow I will post something about how much laundry I did, and that wonderful meal I prepared for you.

Keep Dreaming,
Your Lovely Wife


  1. I love this blog post. Mostly the part where you tell Chad to keep dreaming but also the training wheel reference. You really could have used a pair. I enjoyed every marvelous moment of the evening. Thanks for making it so fun. I also wanted to do nothing the next day as the vodka was still trying to kill me. Lucky me I got a visit from our in-laws. Exactly who I wanted to see when I wasn't exactly hanging tough.

  2. Thanks…we all have our flaws. Mine apparently are binge drinking and less than stellar housewife attributes. Oh well…here's looking forward to the hoedown! YIKES!


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