Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Baby Can Read!

I have often wondered about that infomercial for "Your Baby Can Read".  I mean who has seen that footage and not thought that there was a chance that they could in fact teach their 6 month old child to read?  I know I have, but then I quickly come to my senses and realize that children just have an amazing ability to memorize things (especially things you don't want them to!).

So no, Nolan is probably not reading this book (although his Grandma would probably argue that point with you).  It still amazes me nonetheless.  The book he is reading is "The Giving Tree."  This book was given to Nolan by my dear friend Julia, it was one of her favorites as a child and it is certainly a favorite in our house as well.  Nolan reads the first half of the book and then we take over from there.  I will spare you the entire book, because I assure you Chad can in fact read!

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