Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alabama Part I

This past weekend we took a little trip to Alabama for Chad's cousin's wedding.  It was a large family affair that involved a party Friday night, a get together Saturday during the day, and then a wedding/reception Saturday night.  One word...EXHAUSTING!  But man can this family party.  The only thing that would have made it better is not being pregnant, but I guess this kid needs to cook a little while longer so I'll let it slide.  I'm only giving him a few more weeks though, and then he is being evicted!  Maybe they will re-do the wedding weekend for me?  Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I have decided to split this post in two because it didn't make sense to me to have people in swimsuits in one picture and then the next picture be a beautiful bride.  Call me anal, but it's my blog so I can do what I want!

First we will start with this handsome fellow.  And yes, for those of you that were in Alabama and saw my child I will confess that I did use my keen Photoshop skills to remove the scars that were a result of his father's lack of supervision!  Again, it's my blog I can do what I want!

Then we have this pretty little girl.  I will share with you some before and after pictures.  The first picture is before her parents made her get in the lake and the second picture is the result of said adventure!  Not a fan!

And finally we have a little hammock fun.  Try balancing three children on this thing I dare you!  Multiple times I thought Nolan was going to end up with some additional scars...good thing he was wearing his life jacket???

And that is it for this up wedding pictures!  And maybe some fresh new faces to my blog!

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