Monday, June 6, 2011

Crib Graduation

If I was more computer savvy I would be streaming Pomp & Circumstance right now.  But I'm not, so you're going to have to hum it quietly to yourself as you view the next set of pictures.  We hit a big milestone in the Struckmann house last week and Nolan officially graduated from the crib to a "Big Boy Bed."  I can not lie, this was definitely a lot harder on his Mom then it seems to be on him.  I have dreaded this day for I don't know, 2.5 years now!  Something about having him in a cage was comforting to me.  Now I feel like all bets are off and I'm going to wake up one morning and he will be standing in the front lawn or something (yes these are actual thoughts that have crossed my mind).  It has been a solid week now and I am happy to report he is doing just fine in his big boy bed, has only gotten out once and he didn't end up on the front lawn!  

So here is how it all went down on his first night.  Dad read a book, I read a book, tucked him in, said our "amens" and we were out the door.  Sweet Success.  

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