Monday, May 16, 2011

A Superhero Living Amongst Us

Today a short tale to kick off your Monday.  As we sat at dinner last night Nolan was sharing his wealth of knowledge of the world.  At one point he got on this kick about who we all were.  Here's how the observation went:

Nolan (pointing to Chad):  You are Chad and you are Dad.
Me:  That's right buddy, who am I?
Nolan:  You are Darci and you are Momma (yes I'm still Momma as opposed to Mom, I'll be sad when that ends).
Me:  Right again, who are you?
Nolan:  I am Nolan and I am Dash!

For those of you not familiar with the movie "The Incredibles", Dash is the son in the movie.  His Superhero power is, you guessed it, running Super Fast!  Not sure how many of you have seen Nolan run, but he is no Dash.  Gotta love the imagination though!  I think we need to start watching better Superhero movies, I think it would be way cooler to be the Mom of I don't know...Spider-Man?

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