Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Peanuts and Cracker Jacks

We went to our first Cardinals game of the season the other night.  We did it up right and let the little guy eat the entire game away.  2 year old + constantly eating = good time for everyone!  When I was growing up and we went to our first game of the season my Mom and Dad would let us get whatever we wanted.  Nachos, Ice Cream, name it.  From that game on, we were subject to whatever would fit in my Mom's blue jean purse (that's right I said blue jean, thinking back that bag was horrible but so practical and seemingly bottomless with delicious treats).  I guess we were following in the Kuntz family tradition because Nolan definitely ate it all!  Live it up Buddy, next jean purse for you.

Here are a few pics from the night, and a little fun fact as well.  Uncle Eric and Aunt Kelly not only joined us at the game but they also taught Nolan a valuable life lesson on how to be frugal.  You see Uncle Eric can be, how do I say this, tight with his money?  So the seemingly innocent Mountain Dew bottles in these pictures are not so innocent.  In fact they were not Mountain Dew at all..but Beer of course.  Take that Busch Stadium, not getting Eric's $8.50!  

And just because it's cute, I thought I'd have a certain someone sing you a little ditty. If this doesn't make you want to run out and buy Peanuts and Cracker Jacks I'm not sure what will.

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