Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Little Prince

In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would share a short story about my little prince from today.  Tomorrow I will share pictures, today just words.

The hubby was leaving this afternoon to go out of town for the week (I know, I feel sorry for me too).  Anyway, Chad put Nolan down for his nap and I ran to Target for a much needed stock up.  Happy Mother's Day to me right, what is better than a SOLO trip to Target?  Not much in my mind!  Doesn't take much to excite me these days.

So when I got back from Target Chad left for the airport, and about 2 hours later I went in to wake Nolan up (yes he is a prince for many reasons, one is definitely his fine sleeping habits).  I walked in and whispered "time to get up buddy"...and his response with a big smile on his face was "Momma, I'm going to take care of you."  Apparently as Chad put him down for his nap he told Nolan he was going out of town and that he needed to take care of his Mommy.  Well Nolan most certainly did not forget!  And if you were wondering, Yes...there were a few tears shed over that little moment.

On a side note, Chad's first flight got delayed and then the second plane he was on was broken.  Soooo, double Happy Mother's Day to me....Chad is back home and NOT leaving for the week!!  WOOHOO!

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