Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

Once a month we exchange babysitting services with some friends of ours.  It's our attempt at keeping each other sane and allowing the other couple to enjoy an evening free of sticky hands, temper tantrums and poopy diapers.  Sounds fabulous right?  Well it is.

Tonight we had Mr. Parker and I decided to document some of the evening because it may be the last time his parents let us watch him.  You see if you look closely at the picture in the top right corner you will notice two things: a large scratch on his nose and a rather green tongue.  I must confess both of these "blemishes" are a result of his evening with us.  One was an attack of a toybox lid and one was from a very tasty piece of chalk!!! Not gonna lie...I don't think either incident phased him, so hopefully his Mom and Dad let him visit again someday soon.  Chalk is non-toxic, right?

I really don't know what to do with myself when a child will actually look at my camera. It truly is an exciting moment for me and Parker never disappoints...he loves the camera! You will note that the scar on his nose is mysteriously missing in these two pictures...gotta love Photoshop!

This is what I got when I asked my child to look at the camera.  Believe it or not he is at least saying "cheeseburger" but his focus was definitely on his bowling not on my camera.

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