Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Our Little "Fla-Bingo"

Halloween was just like everything else this year, we had no idea how it would look...or if it would even happen.  BUT, I love any opportunity to dress the kids up in costume so you better bet we were going to have costumes NO MATTER WHAT.  Everly is still at the age where I can "guide" her into decisions so "together" we came up with the Flamingo idea (other top contenders: bunny and cinderella).  The cutest part of the whole thing though is the fact that she can't say Flamingo correctly and definitely says it like "Fla-bingo"...we have all asked her no short of 100 times what her costume is just so we can hear it!  Anyway, here is our little Fla-bingo in all her glory.  I definitely dressed her up on a random Friday by herself so that I was sure to capture the cuteness of this little costume.  I will also have you know that I did in fact make the cape she is wearing, with a little help from my seamstress friend Julia of course.  But NO my Mom did not make this costume (to all the haters out there) although I'm sure she could have made it better and probably quicker than I did!  

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