Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lake Trip(s)

It's that time of year...lake trip time! July has become the month where we actually get to go enjoy the lake a little, mainly because baseball is usually over by then!  This year I decided to go down to the lake a few days early with the kids so we could spend some time with my parents at their lake place.  We found a new favorite spot, the Hippopotamus, where we could go to the swim up bar and get fruity drinks and dance around to the music.  The kids (and adults) had a blast.

After a few days with my parents we moved the party over to our friends lake trip.  This has started to become an annual thing and that makes me VERY happy.  The kids have a blast getting thrown from tubes and playing king of the lily pad, and the parents have a blast watching them closely so no one gets hurt :).  These kids are troopers and they run hard all day, it's getting harder and harder to keep up with them, but we sure try. 

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