Thursday, April 30, 2020

Everly's 2nd Birthday

The week of birthdays in this house!! Today is Everly's 2nd birthday! We celebrated with a birthday donut date in the morning, she spent the day playing with her friends at the sitter and then we ended with an ice cream sundae and some presents.  She thought her birthday was amazing!  Oh this girl, she truly completed our family.  I know I've said that before, but I mean it to my core.  We didn't know we needed her, but we so did.  She brings us joy and laughter everyday and she brings out the very best sides of her brothers.  I KNOW she is making them better versions of themselves.  Don't get me wrong, they were great before, but she makes them sweeter and makes them slow down and appreciate the little things.  They LOVE seeing her do all the new things, say all the new words, explore all the new places.  She is our princess and we just love her so.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!

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