Friday, April 17, 2020

First Day of School

Big day for these boys, first day of fifth and second grade!  And of course I had to torture them with the school desk pictures because what kind of Mom would I be if I gave up now?  A bad one, that's what.  We snuck in a few silly pictures, which they seem to like better, and even got the neighbors involved.  They are pretty excited about their school year and were ready to head back to see all of their buddies.  First days of school are pretty uneventful these days, and that's A-OK with me because I think that means they are happy at school (or at least that's what I'm going with).  Technically this should be Nolan's last year of elementary school and he should be heading off to middle school next year but their school goes up to eighth grade so we don't have to go through all of those "last" emotions just yet!  Phew.

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