Friday, April 24, 2020

Labor Day (Farm)

Where else do you spend Labor Day, but at the farm?? We had a great little weekend getting dirty, catching fish, swinging, name it, we did it.  There are quite a few pictures of Everly fishing with Daddy because 1. They are adorable and 2. I THINK this is the first time she really participated...and caught a fish.  You'll note she was not all that excited to actually touch/hold that fish but she caught it nonetheless!  The Barbagallos joined us for the day as well which was fun and gave us another person to bury in the sand!  If you come to the farm these are the things that will happen.  And you'll get dirty, all your stuff will get dirty and you'll probably get eaten by some sort of bug.  But you will also have some gold old fashion fun, you'll always find a cool breeze by the house, someone will always swing with you and at night you'll get the best firefly display you will ever see.

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