Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Here Comes Santa Claus

Well, we went and saw the big man.  I'm not sure what I was expecting really.  But I THINK I was expecting a screaming little baby...and I did not get one.  I also think I was a little disappointed I didn't get one!!  Is that wrong? I just love a good screaming baby Santa picture, and I'll never get one again will I?  I will say, Little Miss was VERY excited to see Santa from afar.  Wanted to point to him and say "ho ho" a lot but she was all show.  Once it was go time, she was a lot more unsure of her braveness.  She didn't cry, but she also didn't smile!  We will say she was stoic, that sounds sophisticated right?  Her brothers were champs, telling the big man everything they wanted and then threw in a few things for the little sister as well.  We will see who made the nice list I guess!!

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