Saturday, February 29, 2020

Year in Review

I, like many others these days, have fallen victim to the camera phone.  I have a love/hate relationship with my camera phone if I'm being honest.  I LOVE taking pictures with a "real" camera.  I'm in control and can change my settings to compose the "perfect" picture.  BUT, the convenience of a phone camera just wins over a lot of the time.  The problem with this is I'm really bad about doing anything with pictures from said phone.  So I thought I would at least include a few here from the year.  You'll note there are quite few "selfies", turns out that's the only time I get in a picture...another item for the "pro" column of camera phones I suppose.


Friday, February 28, 2020

Christmas Magic

We really did have a magical Christmas morning.  I think each of the kids had a little surprise under the tree that made them light up.  I mean, how could they not when there is a dirt bike and an Ice Cream cart involved?  Oh, and don't forget about that fancy gaming chair!  We had a pretty low key day so we got to enjoy the day playing with their new toys and being big bums.  The perfect Christmas Day really.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve!!!!  The anticipation is unmatched.  The kids were so excited to get all of the festivities started, but first I obviously had to torture them with a few pictures.  This year I even tortured some of my nieces and nephews.  I'm a giver, what can I say?  Unfortunately, once we got going on all of the festivities I guess I stopped taking pictures.  So we'll all just have to use our imagination and try and rely on out memory banks a little when it comes to this Christmas Eve...and now I realize why I take so many pictures.  My memory is terrible.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Springfield (Branson) Christmas

The weekend before Christmas we escaped to Springfield/Branson for a weekend with my parents and my brother and his family to celebrate Christmas.  I LOOOOOVE Branson at Christmas time and was so excited we got to squeeze this little trip in with my family.  We all had a great time at Silver Dollar City taking in the rides, food and parade even if it was a little chilly.  I think it put us all even more in the holiday spirit, if that was even possible.  Then on Sunday before we headed home we went to the Wonders of Wildlife Aquarium in Branson.  It was AMAZING.  This aquarium is top notch and is so nicely done.  It's interactive and great for the kids.  I can't wait to go back. What a great little getaway, maybe we can make it a Christmas tradition :).  


Friday, February 21, 2020

Cookie Decorating Fun

Oh Cookie Decorating! This has actually become one of my favorite traditions.  And I really love that my Mom has been doing it at her house!  There's nothing like making a big ole' mess in someone else's I right?  Surely she LOVES that part of the tradition too!  We usually let the kids decorate until they get bored...or distracted, and then the adults have some friendly competition.  And by that I mean I am competing to make sure my cookies are the best.  Not sure anyone else is really competing with me or not.  This year Everly was definitely more involved (translation: she sat at the table and ate icing and cookies).  And Nolan and Bennett were champs with their creativity.  I think Santa is going to be very surprised when he comes down the chimney to these gems!

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