Saturday, January 7, 2017

"Polar Express"

We REALLY embraced the Christmas season this year.  We hadn't even gotten to Thanksgiving yet and we were on like our third big Christmas outing.  I'm starting to fear that my children are getting old and before too long that "magic" of Christmas will diminish.  So embrace we shall.  Next up on our agenda was...Polar Express.  We were SUPER excited for this event.  And I wish I could report to you that it was amazing...but I cannot.  It was terrible.  I had heard about this event in the past and people had said it was so great.  I think this year was different in St. Louis and instead of the real "Polar Express" they had a Holiday event at Union Station.  I didn't know there was a difference, but I sure think there was (at least I hope so).  It was a complete joke.  The decorations were nice, but that's about it.  The Santa was creepy (just wait, you'll see), we took a 45 minute train ride through crappy downtown (graffiti included) and our end destination was to wave at some skinny Santa dancing on the porch of a shack conveniently located right in front of the casino.  CLASSY.  We didn't even get our hot chocolate on the ride to boot, which I think we actually paid extra for.  I mean throw me a bone people, if you're going to ruin my holiday experience at least burn the roof of my mouth while you're at it.  Anyway, we did manage to get a few photo opps in so I will share those with you.  But don't be deceived...this event is a total bust (we just make anything look good).


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