Saturday, January 14, 2017

Family Pictures 2016

Well it wouldn't be a happy holiday season unless I forced my family to take posed family pictures now would it?  They hate it (Chad hates it), but it's tradition dammit.  And they will thank me one day, right? Right.  This year I took the opportunity to get a decent family picture while we were in Kansas City visiting my parents for Thanksgiving.  My brother has had a renewed love of photography so I knew I could talk him into snapping a few for me (tripod gets a break this year).  Every year I tell myself I'm going to do better and schedule a session and every year it's November and I have no pictures, but brother to the rescue!  He took a family picture for me, I took a family picture for him (and then of course I tortured the kids for one or two more of them).  In the end we each had material for our Christmas cards so we both walked away winners!

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