Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Graduation #1 for #2

Recently Bennett had his first graduation.  I say "first" because we all know kids these days have 1 million graduations.  All of which are important nonetheless ;).  He graduated from his current preschool and will be moving to "the big kid school" next year but...still in preschool.  He's a victim of an August birthday so he gets to get EXTRA smart with another year of preschool.

Anyway, the first graduation "activity" was a little vandalism!  Let me explain.  All of the teachers from his school go to all of the graduating student's homes decorate them, leave them a present on the front door step, and then knock and run!  Bennett thought he was something special let me tell you!

The next graduation activity was a cute little program inclusive of caps and gowns and a couple of cute little skits.  I even included a video from one of the performances because I'm pretty sure they gave Bennett the best part, or maybe I just think that because I'm his Mom.  That later is probably true, but he makes an amazing Kangaroo I must say!  We are so very proud of Bennett and really sad to be leaving this preschool, but we are certainly excited to have both boys in one location FINALLY.  WOOHOO for convenience!

And finally, what graduation celebration would be complete without a little ice cream treat?  So here is our little graduate, enjoying his Celebratory Ice Cream!

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