Friday, July 15, 2016

Mini Mud Craze

We are always looking for something fun to do with the boys and when we heard about this event we thought they would dig it...and we were right.  It was a mini mud run specifically set up for kids and it was AMAZING.  Amazing that is up until Bennett's shoe literally got stuck in the mud and we lost his sock forever.  He has not stopped talking about the fact that he lost his sock and anytime you bring up the race all he talks about is the damn sock.  You would think we don't provide him enough socks the attachment was so fierce.  Hopefully he gets over it by next year though because this is going on the must do list and we're dragging everyone with us next year.  Cousins, friends, acquaintances...anyone we talk to really.  It's game on!  And nobody is safe from the mess...nobody.

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