Saturday, July 23, 2016

Farm Life

We decided it was time to take a little trip up to the farm.  I guess we felt like we were missing out on dirt, muddy shoes, bug bites, chiggers and ticks.  Okay okay, there might have been some fun wrapped up in all of that as well.  We spent the day exploring, fishing, riding, shooting, swinging and swimming.  Every little boy's (and girl's) dream.  We had a bunch of happy kids on our hands...except when it was time to leave!  I will admit going up to the farm is a great way to soak in some good old fashioned fun and I'm so appreciative that our boys have access to this treasure and the ability to escape the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives every so often.   I'm sure we will be heading up for some more bug bites fun soon, and next time maybe I'll even get in the lake (but probably not).

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