Sunday, November 22, 2015

New York Day 5

Day 5. Have I mentioned that this city is exhausting? By the time we got to Day 5 we were still trying to fit a few hot spots in but our feet were quickly giving out! First we headed down to Chelesea Market which is an enclosed food court/shopping mall.  I imagine this is what heaven looks like to a "foodie" type.  I was in it for the Crepe (which was delicious).  After the market we decided to head back to Times Square.  We had been to Times Square on our first night in New York but only briefly to get to our show and we were in a big rush.  I thought I needed to really take it in.  I did get to see a few street performers and get my picture taken with a few creepy characters, oh and the highlight...The Naked Cowboy!  But besides that Times Square is not my favorite area.  If crazy crowded is your thing, this would be your place.  For our final evening, we decided to take in the "Subway Series".  As it turns out the Mets were playing the Yankees so we went ahead and got our baseball on.  It was a great way to end our trip.    So this concludes our trip to NYC.  We had a great time and I'm so glad we picked New York as our destination, it is certainly a sight to see.

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