Sunday, November 15, 2015

New York Day 3

Day 3 brought us to Greenwich Village. This might have been my favorite area of NYC.  It truly was like a small town tucked inside the big city.  It was quaint and charming and really inviting.  We did go back to Greenwich Village later in the trip and it had a totally different vibe at night, but I'll get to that in another post.  So in Greenwich Village we had scheduled a Food Tour.  I know what you're all thinking.  I realize I'm not the most experimental eater but it sounded like fun and it was!  We walked around the neighborhood and sampled specialities from multiple different restaurants/delis and also got a little walking tour of the neighborhood while we were at it and learned all sorts of fun facts.  Lucky for me the tour started off just right with a stop at Joe's Pizza.  My first NYC Pizza, it only took me 3 days to get it!  After the tour we took a stroll on The High Line (an elevated public park built on an old freight rail line).  By this point we were exhausted and done walking so we popped into a little restaurant to grab a drink.  Well "a" drink turned into many drinks, especially once we made friends with the waitress and she made us her "VIP" table for the night which meant a few free drinks and free food!  Who said New Yorkers aren't friendly?  

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