Monday, April 6, 2015

Swim Swim Swim

Well, we finally decided to put Bennett in some sort of organized activity.  I know, call us crazy, but we thought he might enjoy it and you know what?  We were right.  He LOVES swimming lessons.  And I mean LOVES.  He talks about it all the time, he is trying to convince his friend Violet that she needs to join him and you know what the best part is?  He actually listens to the coaches!  His teachers at school have always told us that he listens in school but I always thought they were just being nice.  Turns out...he actually does listen and he does everything they say THE FIRST TIME.  I couldn't even believe my eyes!  So anyway, this is day 2 of swim lessons (on the first day I was too busy trying to figure out the logistics of everything).  The place we are taking him is absolutely amazing, so amazing the only spot open was at 8:30 on Saturday mornings!  But I'm pretty confident come pool season we are going to have a little fishy on our hands so the early morning wake up call is totally worth it!

And a little video action because I'm feeling extra crazy tonight...

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