Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Palm Springs

A few weeks ago Chad and I were lucky enough to spend a few glorious days in Palm Springs.  Chad was there for work...I was not.  Don't feel too bad for Chad, work was at a minimum and he had plenty of R&R himself.  I look so forward to this "work" trip every year.  We always have so much fun and this year was no exception.  We had great company, great accommodations and great weather.  What's not to love?  

Here are a few iPhone pics that I snapped while we were on the trip.  It pains me to not bring my big camera places sometimes, but for this trip I always force myself to detach for a few days.  So now you get to suffer through my snapshots of fast food joints, selfies and palm trees.  You might even catch a glimpse of Chad's stellar group selfie skills (note sarcasm).  

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