Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It Happened

We knew the day would come, and today we got front row tickets to the big discovery.  Let me set the scene.  Bennett and Violet were in the bathroom together (good, bad or indifferent...totally standard occurrence with these two).  Violet was taking her turn going potty.  And then this conversation went down...

      Bennett: Did you poop or pee?

      Violet:  Just peed silly.

      Bennett:  Did you pee out of your butt?

      Violet: giggle giggle giggle

      Bennett:  You don't have one of these. (as he whips his private part out of his pants)

      Violet:  giggle giggle, no I'm a girl!

At this point they both turned around to find Julia and I pointing and giggling, and then their conversation came to a screeching halt.  Something tells me this is not the last of this type of "discovery" for these two.  I'm really just wondering how long pointing and giggling will be an appropriate reaction for Julia and I to have!

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